The families of the shooting victims at the Immanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina extend their “forgiveness” to Dylan Roof. Is this kind of forgiveness something that you could see yourself doing? The more I think about this, the more I’m convinced that it is not about one single thing. When you have hatred within you and you mix that with guns, mental illness , bigotry, racial bias or any other disruptive social ideology, you get a recipe for disaster. If the people ( or even one person ) in Mother Immanuel AME Church had been armed, could this horrific incident have been prevented? Maybe, Maybe Not. Yet, if just one life was loss (victim or perpetrator), it’s still too much loss due to senselessness. Anyone who thinks that I am anti-guns is so wrong! Our precious constitution gives me and everyone else in our country that Right. But with that Right comes a Responsibility to not infringe on the safety of others or subject them to oppression at the hands of your guns. For people who can’t for whatever reason make that rational determination, THEY DON’T NEED A GUN!
The First Day of Summer
June 21, 2015
I’m really getting exited about this blog. To introduce The Recipe Page, I’ve decided on a “summer meal”. When I was a child and it was too warm outside and even warmer inside( no air conditioning), for my mother putting on the oven was not an option. Speaking of “warm”, at some point we’re going to need to talk about GLOBAL WARMING. Now back to my mother’s “summer meals”. The exceptions would be an ear of corn or meat on the grille during the week, but it would be full throttle on Sundays: Always two meats. Usually, beef, ham or lamb and something else- chicken, fish (fish has always been a favorite in my home.) Holidays in our house were festive: with family, great food, laughter…..great memories. Okay, enough of that! Back to Today’s Summer Meal. Halt, wait a minute! You will not believe what just happened! I’m ready to start writing about Today’s Summer Meal when I get a call asking me to make some fresh fruit salad for tomorrow. So, I made it. The call to duty caused me to put the cart before the horse because the actual meal consists of Chicken Salad, Fresh Fruit Salad and some yogurt on the side.
Top if off with a nice glass of freshly brewed lemon iced tea, and there you have it! So, my next Recipe Post will feature the entire meal including the chicken salad. Enjoy, Nel
Zucchini Chips
June 21, 2015
Just though I would slip this in for fun. They’re Delicious !
Forgiveness: Charleston, South Carolina
What’s the real story in Charleston?
I don’t know what to think about Dylan Roof and this situation in Charleston, South Carolina. What was he thinking? You got any ideas? I’m sort of scratching my head. It’s all the talk in the neighborhood, on TV, social media. Is this about mental heath, racism, guns, white supremacy, apartheid, hatred? What is this all about? Let me hear from you.
Career Advice
There is no such thing as “casual dress” or “dress down day” in the office for you if you’re trying to get promoted. You will need to be a cut above the rest. This may sound like a cliche , but always dress for success. A minor token of “no tie” or no “hose” is more than enough to show “your team spirit.”
Donald Trump for President, REALLY?
So, the Trumpster announced that he is running for President of the United States of America. Since so many Americans feel that it’s all about how much money you spend to influence elections, could Donald Trump be the next “POTUS”?
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