Tiny Living (for real)

It’s life changing in ways ,you, can’t imagine; fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t have to. I’ve lived it! I’m trying my best to live it each day. My transition to tiny was lonely without my life’s partner. It was emotionally draining, physically exhausting (understatement), infinitely reflective on all that you were forced to leave behind, donate or even merely give away( there’s a lot more to that than just giving away). It’s also liberating, more carefree and easily maintained. I awake and put the dogs out, make a pot of coffee, feed the kitten, make the bed, straighten up from the night before if needed, touch up the bathroom maybe dust and run the vacuum. In less than an hour I’m ready to start my day of leisure, until I remember there is an entire shed full of things I can’t fit into my 8 1/2 X 30 Tiny home. Oh well, there’s more work to do, but not today, it’s too hot!

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