Tiny Living (for real)

It’s life changing in ways ,you, can’t imagine; fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t have to. I’ve lived it! I’m trying my best to live it each day. My transition to tiny was lonely without my life’s partner. It was emotionally draining, physically exhausting (understatement), infinitely reflective on all that you were forced to leave behind, donate or even merely give away( there’s a lot more to that than just giving away). It’s also liberating, more carefree and easily maintained. I awake and put the dogs out, make a pot of coffee, feed the kitten, make the bed, straighten up from the night before if needed, touch up the bathroom maybe dust and run the vacuum. In less than an hour I’m ready to start my day of leisure, until I remember there is an entire shed full of things I can’t fit into my 8 1/2 X 30 Tiny home. Oh well, there’s more work to do, but not today, it’s too hot!

Lord, You have been FAITHFUL!

I have gone Tiny!

My Journey To Tiny

Difficulty Right now: Living in your home while your house is on the market SUCKS!!!

The live in housekeeper must tidy up the entire home (6K Sq Ft) everyday for evening showings. That doesn’t even include the 3 hr open houses on Saturday and Sunday when the housekeeper aka “me” has to get out so strangers can walk through the house. When you’re an absolute homebody, where do you go? Answers down the road; leaving you for now.

Today begins another leg in the Journey. I’ve got to clean house.

My Journey To Tiny

MJTT Math is emotionally and physically exhausting. Yet, I believe in the long run, it will be worth it. To that I’m going to say “Hallelujah”.

My mission: Reduce living space from 6000 sq. ft. to 300 sq ft.

My Journey To Tiny

hereby known as


pronounced majitt

MJTT is about Math: Addition (very little), Subtraction ( plenty of it), Multiplication(a little) and Division ( YES! In fact, this is your biggest challenge).

Journey to Tiny

Haven’t wrote in a while.Nothing to write, but there is plenty in my head. I am tired, so tired, but I can’t stop. Tomorrow is Thursday and its Trash Day. I must fill up the cans. It’s getting down to sentimental things. It’s getting much harder.

My Journey To Tiny

Today, I reached a milestone. Thursday is Trash Day and there was none to put out. Time to go another round.

The Journey to Tiny

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the most important days in this part of The Journey; Thursday is Trash Day. Until the men in the green and blue trucks make their rounds, there’s still a chance to change your mind. Be strong when they come, say hello, say goodbye and Let it Ride.

My Journey To Tony

Today I realized that I’ve done a lot on THIS JOURNEY TO TINY; I am no where near READY. I’ve got so much more to do! Lord help me as I empty closets and drawers again, throw away papers, shred files and determine which pictures and mementos to keep. Help me Heavenly Father to give away and throw away. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

My Journey To Tiny

Writing everyday is difficult; I can’t do it, I won’t be doing it. Just know that downsizing entails so many things; not just physical items are saved, thrown away or given away. Precious memories, fun times, sad times, alone and lonely times are pack up too. Challenge: Figuring out what to do next is on my mind from sunrise to sunset. Mmm, that sounds like a song! The link below is what I’m feeling right now.

Oh Yeah!